
Unlock the power of your inner gifts and start transforming yourself and your world. Move on from being ‘stuck’ and enter a miraculous new life. Learn to harness the unconquerable force of Unconditional Love. Level up to a new state of personal happiness and joy. Become an Alchemy Practitioner and share your new found power with others.

With the Certificate Course in Alchemy Transformation, learn the ancient wisdom of spiritual alchemy as a tool in the process of personal transformation toward having true empowerment in your life.

Your guide Colm Holland is a writer, mentor, speaker, and alchemy trainer.

For the last 50 years I have been on my alchemist journey and am learning something new everyday about how Love can turn the ordinary in our lives into gold.

Once we find our treasure it is vital that we give it away to the benefit of our world. This is true empowerment and the path to the gold is personal transformation.

Join me as we make the journey together so you can be the alchemist in your world.

~ Colm